Important Dates and New Beginnings

I’ve had some really special and important (to me) moments in my life. But two that are pretty high up there are March 19, 2013 and shortly after, May 4, 2013. These two days dramatically changed my life forever and have created two wonderful journeys to embark on.

March 19: Somewhat against the advice of our family and friends, Joe and I decided we wanted to start our lives together in our own home. I had moved every year, from home to apartment to apartment, since college and he seemed to keep moving city to city (Milledgeville, Stone Mountain, Macon, Roswell) and we wanted a place to stick our roots in.


Looking back on it, I completely understand the fears and nay-says we were getting for looking for our dream home while planning a wedding, it was stressful. But all in all, we consider ourselves very lucky for finding a house in  only 3 months, with a couple of small hiccups along the way. We were just waiting for the sky to drop, for something to go immeasurably wrong, but it didn’t. We bought our dream home and oh the joys it has brought us.

Snap shot of our first home:


May 4, 2013 – As of today, this was the very best day of my life. The day i married Joe and became Mrs. Glaze.


I always thought, that with a degree that involved a lot of event planning experience and a job that requires a good percentage of my time planning sales meetings and trade shows that planning my wedding would be a cinch. WRONG. It was a stressful time but it turned out just perfect, wet, but perfect.  Yes we tied the knot in the rain, the pouring, never-ending rain, but our “wet-knot” day was the very best.

NOW…after those two days, life is different, it’s an adventure. I’ve learned the truth to the statement: “pick your battles”, there have been sink holes, and leaks and projects, dinners have been made, walls are getting decorated, arguments have been had, laughs have been heard; life as a married home-owner has begun. But more on that later….

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